During a previous episode Steve Cuss mentioned that change management is a leadership anxiety worth exploring on its own. So Ben and Lynley welcome him back to the show to discuss the difficulties around navigating change.
Steve shares his personal experiences with walking though ministry changes and Ben shares an especially vulnerable memory of when he “doubled down” early in his ministry and still regrets it. Lynley shares with Steve how she’s never felt quite like she fit the mold of pastor’s wife. The advice Steve gives her is profound.
Got feedback, questions, or ideas for a future episode? Email us at president@lifeway.com.
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“One of the ways you can measure if you’re in anxiety’s grip is if you’re using generalizations, like, ‘All the people are against this idea’ there are usually more people in your corner than you think.”
“The problem with change management is oftentimes when a leader encounters resistance, they double down and all that does is build more resistance in people.”
“If you’re leading change you have to be curious—not defensive—about the people who are resisting.”
“It’s a mistake for a young leader to act like they know what they’re doing when they don’t. I think it’s much more powerful as a leader just to confess. Everyone knows you’ve never done this before.”
“Most pastors are good with people. But the ‘shadow side’ of that is we’re people pleasers.”
Show Credits:
Produced and Edited by: Angie Elkins Media
Original Music by: Robert Elkins
Sound Engineering by: Dale Sandberg
Art Work by: Cameron Spooner