On this episode “The Glass House,” our guests are Rick and Sally Lewis and their son Josh. Josh identifies himself as a prodigal son who wandered from his faith, even though he grew up in the home of a pastor. Ben and Lynley ask Josh and his parents how growing up in a pastor’s home played a role in his running away and what could have been done differently. It’s especially insightful to hear Josh reflect on things now as he has returned to his faith, pastoring a church and parenting his own children.
Got feedback, questions, or ideas for a future episode? Email us at president@lifeway.com.
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“Every night before we would go to bed we prayed, ‘Lord, we know that you love our son more than we ever could, and so we are going to place him in your hands right now.’ And that’s how we found our peace.”
“One of the hardest parts of having our son leave home was the fact that we had no idea where he was or what he was doing. We knew he was making bad decisions, but we were completely in the dark.”
“It’s hard to watch your kids make bad decisions and deal with the consequences, but we have to in order to let them learn.”
“You have to be willing to call your child into the truth, even when they hate hearing. But it’s a combination of grace and truth. Sometimes you have to pull the grace lever, and sometimes you have to pull the truth lever; the trick is knowing when to pull which one.”
“You can’t control the outcome of a human being. You can’t control your kids, but prayer is the best gift you can ever give your children.”
Show Credits:
Produced and Edited by: Angie Elkins Media
Original Music by: Robert Elkins
Sound Engineering by: Dale Sandberg
Art Work by: Cameron Spooner