Ministry is, indeed, a dangerous calling. And this week’s guest on “The Glass House” even wrote a book about it. Paul David Tripp joins Ben and Lynley for a conversation about integrity. He has always challenged people in this area.
Some highlights of our conversation include: the temptation to pursue power instead of a pure heart, an exercise in self-awareness—allowing others close to you to speak into who you are, and the awkwardness of hard conversations—and why it’s not the worst thing in the world to have one.
We hope you’ll listen to this important conversation.
Got feedback, questions, or ideas for a future episode? Email us at president@lifeway.com.
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“The body only goes where the heart has already gone. It’s dangerous that we are able to divide our hearts out of our ministry lives and our personal live.”
“Success in ministry is way more dangerous than failure.”
“I have no wisdom, I have no righteousness, I have no success apart from Him.”
“Fruitfulness in ministry is the result of longevity, longevity is the result of spiritual health and spiritual health is the result of living in good gospel community.”
Show Credits:
Produced and Edited by: Angie Elkins Media
Original Music by: Robert Elkins
Sound Engineering by: Dale Sandberg
Art Work by: Cameron Spooner